Our next meeting will be held at 11 AM on January 16, 2024, at Bethleham United Methodist Church, 13586 S Old Moneta, Road, Moneta, VA. This meeting will be a pot luck. Members are asked to bring a covered dish to share. After a brief business meeting, a program will be presented. This month's program is Carla Fosbre, a performer and teacher of piano and dulcimer. She is a member of the Old Time Moneta Dulcimer Club, as well as several other dulcimer clubs. She resides at Smith Mountain Lake with her husband, Mike. The pot luck buffet will then be served.

You Are Always Welcome!
Guests and potential members are always welcome to attend. Please join us and see what a delightful group we are!
For more information on club membership please email us at sml.womens.club@gmail.com .