The Smith Mountain Lake Women's Club 22nd Annual GameFest was held on Wednesday, April 27, 2022, at Trinity Ecumenical Parish, in Moneta, VA. Approximately 130 participants attended to play various card and board games. They won door prizes, participated in a raffle and silent auction, and shopped for used books, puzzles, and hand made craft items made by members and friends of SMLWC. Attendees were treated to snacks, ice tea and lemon-aid throughout the day; a lunch consisting of an Asian chicken salad, fruit cup, garlic bread and deviled eggs; and a buffet dessert bar of homemade cakes, cookies, and candies.
Proceeds of the event were distributed at the meeting on May 17, 2022, to
C.A.T.S. (Children's Assistive Technology Service)
Hope to Walk
Southern Virginia Child Advocacy Center (CASA)
Stepping Stones Mission of Franklin County
A $1000 scholarship was awarded on May 11, 2022, at the Franklin County High School Awards Ceremony to Madison Lakin Atkins.