Our Committees
Below is a list of the Smith Mountain Lake Women's Club's Committees along with descriptions and other information. Please contact sml.womens.club@gmail.com if you are interested in joining our club and/or any of our committees.
Alone we can do so little;
Together we can do so much!
Helen Keller

Audits the Treasurer’s accounts at the close of the club year
Submits a report to the membership for adoption at the next regular membership meeting
Consists of the Director/Parliamentarian and three club members
Shall review the bylaws every two years in January for possible revisions
Shall provide a report to the membership by the following April general meeting
Recommended bylaw revisions shall be voted on at the following May general meeting

Includes the Treasurer and three additional members of the club
Prepares a club budget to be effective June 1
Submits the budget to the Executive Board for review
Submits the budget to the general membership for adoption at the May general meeting
Consists of three club members, with a minimum of one Executive Board member and a minimum of one member from the general membership
Prepares a list of nominees for each elected office for the upcoming term
Submits the slate of candidates to the general membership at the March meeting

Public Relations
Collects pictures from club meetings and special events
Drafts press releases for media announcements
Maintains relationships with local publications to publicize club events
Compiles member volunteer hours contributed to the club’s approved organizations or projects
Prepares an annual report of total hours donated by members at the May meeting

Club Aprons
Secures a vendor to make SMLWC Aprons to be used for GAMEFEST, Ronald McDonald House, etc.
Takes orders from members and orders aprons
Conducts meetings of individuals responsible for all aspects of the Gamefest planning, funding, and implementation
Secures receipts for all expenditures made for Gamefest and provides them to the Treasurer for payment
Provides reports to the general membership at monthly meetings
Works with the general membership to secure an event location

Negotiates with the event location to establish dates for the event and its preparation, requirements for the facility including cleanup, and communicates the requirements to the general membership
Ensures that committees are created to cover sponsorships, prizes, decorations, auction, door prizes, food and drinks, ticket sales, set-up, and cleaning

Information Technology
(may be multiple individuals)
Maintains the SMLWC website
Monitors the SMLWC Facebook page
Maintains, updates, and publishes the SMLWC Photo Directory
Prints various GAMEFEST materials
Maintains, updates, and publishes the SMLWC Brochure
Maintains and monitors the SMLWC email address
Maintains and monitors the SMLWC Google Group
Liaison between SMLWC and Knitting4Peace
Provide patterns for members for knitted and crocheted items requested by Knitting4Peace
Collects knitted and crocheted items and donates them to a local and/or global organizations in need
Where to Find Patterns:
Crochet Peace Pal Doll (pants & skirt pattern included in one pattern):

Lap Robes
Liaison between SMLWC and individuals and organizations in need of Lap Robes
Provided members with sources on where to find patterns
Collects Lap Robes made by members and donates them to individuals and organizations in need
Nursing Home Visits
Liaison between SMLWC and SML area nursing homes
Organizes games and other fun activities for nursing home patients

Liaison between SMLWC and Operations Smile
Provides members with patterns for items requested by Operation Smile
Provides members with material
Collects items from members for Smile Bags and donates them to Operation Smile
Collects items made by member and donates them to Operation Smile
​Where to Find Patterns:
Hospital Gown (no downloadable pattern on Operation Smile website)
​​Knitted Chlid-Sized Afghan and Crocheted Child Sized Afghan
Free medium sized crochet bear pattern
Free small sized crochet doll for Operation Smile (warning: lots of ads on this site)
American Red Cross General Needs
Liaison between SMLWC and the American Red Cross
Liasson between SMLWC and American Red Cross for Blood Drives
Organizes members to volunteer to assist with two blood drives per month
Reports at meetings on the number of units of blood that is collected at Blood Drives

Liaison between SMLWC and Ronald McDonald House
Organizes cooking dinners at the Ronald McDonald House through Meals from the Heart.
Collects can tab tops from members to donate to the Ronald McDonald House
Collects wish list items from members for the Wishlist Drive (see printable wish list)
Liaison between SMLWC and SML area high schools receiving SMLWC Scholarships
Connects with the recipients to get information for a SMLWC Scholarship press release
Sends congratulatory letters to the scholarship recipients
Attends schools’ award ceremonies to present the scholarships and scholarship certificates

Maintains a scrapbook for SMLWC activities
Sends cards to members for birthdays, sympathy, get well, etc.

Yarn Rolling
Liaison between SMLWC and the Holy Yarn Rollers (SML Adele’s Legacy)
Keeps members informed of the Holy Yarn Rollers Schedule
Attends Holy Yarn Roller meetings
Encourages members to volunteer to roll yarn
Encourages members to participate in SML Adele’s Legacy elementary school sweater, hat, and scarf project